Commercial LEO Space Stations Panel, September 2015

Commercial LEO Space Stations Panel, September 2015

The Secure World Foundation and the Alliance for Space Development organized a panel discussion on September 22, 2015 on Commercial LEO Space Stations: Preparing for the Future.   Panelists were:

  • Charles Miller, President, NexGen Space, LLC
  • Mike Gold, Director, DC Operations and Business Growth, Bigelow Aerospace
  • Carissa Christensen, Managing Partner, The Tauri Group
  • Steph Earle, FAA Office of Commercial Space Transportation
  • Ian Christensen, Secure World Foundation (moderator) published a summary of the panel on September 22, 2015.  The overall theme is that a “seamless transition” is needed between the end of operations of the International Space Station and commercial space stations to take its place.