A Very Important Notice to SpacePolicyOnline.com’s Email Subscribers
Editor’s Note: Most unfortunately, SpacePolicyOnline.com must discontinue its email subscription service. If you have been receiving our weekly emails sent on Monday mornings, this will be the last one.
Mailchimp has dramatically lowered the threshhold for the number of subscribers a website like ours can have and qualify for their free service. We’re delighted so many of you subscribe, but as of March 10 we would have to pay more than $60 per month to send them to you. That’s just not feasible.
We’ll keep looking for options, but for now the emails will stop. We invite and encourage everyone to routinely come to our home page, SpacePolicyOnline.com, to see what new articles we’ve posted and the ever-changing Calendar. We also post links to all of our articles on our Twitter feed (@SpcPlcyOnline) and Facebook (Facebook.com/SpacePolicyOnline).
Speaking of our Calendar, there are changes there, too. Our site is built on WordPress and they’ve done a major update to their calendar plug-in. We have very little control over the appearance of the Calendar items — e.g. they’ve really increased the font size for some reason — and the monthly view is entirely different. Multi-day events now span the columns. They say change is good, so we hope at least some of you like the new look (we’re not so sure, to be honest) but the information is there and that’s what counts.
Thanks so much for reading SpacePolicyOnline.com.
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