Big Day For Space Transportation Systems

Big Day For Space Transportation Systems

Today should see the launch of a new rocket in Japan, the test firing of a new rocket motor in Utah, and the landing of the space shuttle in Florida.

  • At 1:01:46 pm EDT (2:01:46 am September 11 Japan Standard Time), the maiden launch of Japan’s H-IIB rocket should lift off carrying the H-II Tranfser Vehicle ( HTV) loaded with supplies for the International Space Station (ISS).
  • At 3:00 pm EDT (1:00 pm MDT), ATK will make a second attempt to fire the new rocket motor for the Ares I launch vehicle.
  • At 7:05 pm EDT, the space shuttle is scheduled to land at Kennedy Space Center (KSC), though weather may be a problem. A second opportunity at KSC is available at 8:42 pm, or the landing could slip until tomorrow or the weekend.

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