Congress Wastes No Time Tackling NASA Issues

Congress Wastes No Time Tackling NASA Issues

The House Science and Technology Committee is hot off the mark on NASA issues this year, with a hearing scheduled for February 3 on “Key Issues and Challenges Facing NASA: Views of the Agency’s Watchdogs.” The NASA Inspector General, the top Government Accountability Office (GAO) staff person on NASA issues, and the chairman of NASA’s Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel are the witnesses.

The FY2011 federal budget, including NASA, is expected to be released on February 1. The most recent rumors are that it will not contain much of an increase for NASA, and will focus on facilitating commercial companies to develop new human space flight capabilities instead of building the Ares launch vehicle on which NASA has been working for the past four years. Many members of the House S&T Committee expressed strong support for the current program during hearings last year, so this could be shaping up to be a contentious year between Congress and the White House on space issues.

The hearing will be in 2318 Rayburn House Office Building beginning at 10:00 a.m.

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