Democrats Lose 60-seat Super Majority in the Senate

Democrats Lose 60-seat Super Majority in the Senate

Massachusetts voters elected Republican Scott Brown as Senator, defeating Democrat Martha Coakley. In what the Associated Press called a “stunning embarrassment for the White House,” the election ended the 60-seat super-majority Democrats held in the Senate that allowed them — for one year — to defeat Republican filibusters on a party-line vote. The impact on space-related issues is unclear since they are largely non-partisan, but it is a significant setback for other items on the Democratic agenda such as health care reform. The special election was called after the death of Senator Edward Kennedy last year. Senator Kennedy was the primary champion of health care reform in the Senate. Mr. Brown, a lawyer and former winner of the “America’s Sexiest Man” award — complete with centerfold photo — from Cosmopolitan magazine, campaigned against health care reform, vowing to be the 41st vote against it (because he will be the 41st Republican in the Senate).

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