Events of Interest Week of June 15-19, 2009 (revised June 14)
This revision adds a House Rules Committee meeting to formulate the rule for House consideration of the CJS appropriations bill on Monday, and two more hearings on Thursday (House Armed Services re export controls, and House Oversight and Investigations on Oversight of Federal Financial Management) . Check our calendar for details of these meetings. All will be held in Washington, D.C. Note that the House Science and Technology subcommittee has posted a final list of witnesses for the June 18 hearing on NASA’s budget.
A nomination hearing for Charlie Bolden and Lori Garver for the top posts at NASA is also a possibility. Check the Senate Commerce committee’s website for up-to-the-minute information. As of Sunday evening, one had not been announced.
Monday, June 15
- 5:00 pm House Rules Committee meets to formulate a rule on H.R. 2847, Commerce, Justice, Science appropriations bill. (It will also write the rule for the Supplemental Appropriations bill.) Room H-313, U.S. Capitol.
Tuesday, June 16
- 8:00 am Marshall Institute breakfast meeting, “Innovation in Aerospace.” National Press Club, 529 14th Street, NW, Washington, DC. Free but reservations required
- 10:00 am House Armed Services Committee full committee markup of FY2010 DOD Authorization Bill, 2118 Rayburn
Wednesday, June 17
- 9:00 am Augustine panel on NASA’s Human Space Flight program, Carnegie Institution, 1530 P Street, NW, Washington, DC. No pre-registration required.
- TBD House of Representatives scheduled to take up the FY2010 Commerce, Justice, Science appropriations bill (which includes NASA, NOAA and NSF)
- 2:00 pm House Science and Technology subcommittee hearing on NPOESS, 2318 Rayburn
Thursday, June 18
- 10:00 am House Science and Technology subcommittee hearing on External Views on NASA’s FY2010 Budget Request, 2318 Rayburn
- 1:00 pm AIAA symposium on Commercial Crew and Cargo Transportation, Hyatt Regency Washington hotel, Capitol Hill. Free but RSVP required.
- 2:00 pm House Foreign Affairs subcommittee hearing on the Export Administration Act: A Review of Outstanding Policy Considerations, 2172 Rayburn.
- 2:00 pm House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee hearing on Oversight of Federal Financial Management, 2247 Rayburn (NASA’s legislative affairs website states that NASA’s CFO Robert Spoehel will be one of the witnesses).
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