Events of Interest: Week of May 23-27, 2011

Events of Interest: Week of May 23-27, 2011

The following events may be of interest in the week ahead. For more information, check our calendar on the right menu or click the links below. Congressional schedules are subject to change; check the relevant committee’s website for up to date information.

During the Week

The House and Senate are in session this week. The House is expected to consider the FY2012 National Defense Authorization Act; the House Rules Committee is expected to vote on the rule for the bill on Tuesday.

The House Appropriations Committee is expected to begin marking up FY2012 appropriations bills this week, but the two that fund most of the government’s space programs — Defense and Commerce-Justice-Science — are not on the docket this week.

May 25 is the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s speech to Congress that set America on the path to land men on the Moon. Various invitation-only events are scheduled; let us know if you know of any public events!

Tuesday, May 24

Wednesday, May 25

Wednesday-Friday, May 25-27

Thursday, May 26

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