Events of Interest: Week of October 18-24, 2009
The following events may be of interest next week. See our calendar on the right menu for more information or click on the links below. Note that congressional activities are subject to change. For hearings, check with the relevant committee for up-to-date information. For floor action, check the websites of the House and Senate.
During the Week
- The Senate may resume consideration of the Commerce-Justice-Science appropriations bill, H.R 2847 (which includes NASA, NOAA and NSF)
- Conferees may meet on the DOD appropriations bill, H.R. 3326
- The Senate may vote on the conference report on the DOD authorization bill, H.R. 2647
Sunday-Wednesday, October 18-21
- GeoINT 2009 Symposium, San Antonio, TX
Monday-Tuesday, October 19-20
- Committee on Earth Studies, Space Studies Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Some sessions of this meeting may be closed.
Wednesday, October 21
- Senate Commerce subcommittee hearing on The Case for Space: Examining the Value of Space Exploration, 253 Russell Senate Office Building, 2:30 pm
Thursday, October 22
- House Science and Technology subcommittee hearing on Strengthening NASA’s Technology Development Programs, 2318 Rayburn House Office Building, 10:00 am
Saturday, October 24
- American Branch of the International Law Association (ABILA), panel on Satellite Collisions, Space Debris and the Liability Convention. Fordham University School of Law, New York City, 2:15-3:45 pm
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