Fireworks Expected at HASC Markup Tuesday
Congress Daily (subscription required) reports that Republicans are likely to use the House Armed Services Committee’s (HASC’s) full committee markup of the FY2010 DOD authorization bill on Tuesday as a venue to “portray Democrats as failing to keep America safe from rogue nations and terrorists.” The debate is likely to center on the Obama Administration’s request for ballistic missile defense, which is $1.2 billion less than FY2009. The pubication quotes the new Ranking Member of HASC, Rep. Howard (Buck) McKeon (R-CA) as calling the cut “ludricrous” considering North Korea’s recent missile tests. It is not clear whether the $11 billion in the bill for national security space programs will spark debate or not. That part of the bill did not seem controversial at the subcommittee markup. Full committee markup is scheduled for Tuesday, June 16, at 10:00 am in 2118 Rayburn.
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