Former, New MSFC Directors to Headline Von Braun Conference

Former, New MSFC Directors to Headline Von Braun Conference

Newly appointed NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MFSC) Director Patrick Scheuermann will headline the American Astronautical Society (AAS) Wernher von Braun Symposium two weeks from now, along with his predecessor and current NASA Associate Administrator Robert Lightfoot.

The annual von Braun symposium is being held at the University of Alabama at Huntsville in cooperation with MSFC from October 15-18.   A detailed agenda and registration information are on the AAS website.

Scheuermann was appointed as MSFC Director last month, succeeding Lightfoot who has moved up to be NASA’s Associate Administrator, the top civilian (i.e., non-political) position in the agency.  Lightfoot will give the keynote address following remarks by Scheuermann on October 15.   Scheuermann is the former director of Stennis Space Center.

The von Braun symposium features panels on NASA’s human space exploration plans both from the agency’s and industry’s perspectives, space launch and commercial space, robotic and human exploration, national security space, trends in U.S. engineering education, and space policy on October 16-17, with a tour of the United Launch Alliance’s production facility in Decatur, AL on October 18.



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