Government Shutdown FY2014: Latest Stats on Furloughed Federal Workers
Government Executive published an update this morning on the number of federal employees who have been furloughed as a result of the shutdown. It shows that 98 percent of NASA workers were sent home, but that’s not the record.
According to its statistics, the National Science Foundation wins the prize — such as it is — for furloughing the largest percentage of its workforce, 99 percent. Matching NASA at 98 percent is the Federal Communications Commission. Others that have furloughed more than 90 percent are the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Treasury Department, Department of Education, and the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Those with the fewest furloughs are the Justice Department (16 percent), Homeland Security (14 percent), Veterans Affairs (4 percent), and Office of Personnel Management (10 percent).
The Defense Department has furloughed 50 percent of its civilian workforce.
All told, Government Executive estimates 900,000 civilian federal workers, 43 percent of the total, have been furloughed.
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