House S&T Committee Announces Witnesses for Thursday's Hearing

House S&T Committee Announces Witnesses for Thursday's Hearing

The House Science and Technology Committee has announced the witnesses for its hearing on Thursday, November 19, 2009, on “The Growth of Global Space Capabilities: What’s Happening and Why it Matters.” The hearing is at 10:00 am in 2318 Rayburn House Office Building. The witnesses are:

  • Mr. Marty Hauser, Vice President, Washington Operations, Research and Analysis, The Space Foundation
  • Mr. J.P. Stevens, Vice President, Space Systems, Aerospace Industries Association
  • Dr. Scott Pace, Director, Space Policy Institute, George Washington University
  • Dr. Kai-Uwe Schrogl, Director, European Space Policy Institute
  • Dr. Ray A. Williamson, Executive Director, Secure World Foundation

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