If You’re Not Still Getting Daily Emails from SpacePolicyOnline.com…

If You’re Not Still Getting Daily Emails from SpacePolicyOnline.com…

…it may be because we are changing to a different email distribution service. We’ve been using Google’s Feedburner all these years, but it is discontinuing its email service.

So we are changing to Mailchimp. Should be simple, but we all know it rarely is. The change should take place tomorrow or Friday (June 10 or 11, 2021).

Everyone who is currently signed up should continue to get emails from us every morning if we’ve posted at least one new article in the previous 24 hours. The email should have the title and first 400 words of each new article with a link to click to read the full story.

If a day or two goes by without getting an email from us, please go to our home page, SpacePolicyOnline.com, and resubscribe. The link is in the right column beneath the calendar and above the Tweets.

We can’t do it for you, unfortunately. These systems require a confirmation from the subscriber that they really do want to subscribe, usually by sending you an email to which you must reply. Some also have captchas. Not sure if Mailchimp does. The whole process is out of our hands.

But please do keep subscribing, and remember you can always access our content directly at SpacePolicyOnline.com and we send links to our articles to Twitter (@SpcPlcyOnline) and Facebook (facebook.com/spacepolicyonline).

Thanks for reading SpacePolicyOnline.com!

The Editor


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