Laurie Leshin To Be Deputy AA For Exploration at NASA
Dr. Laurie Leshin has just been named the new Deputy Associate Administrator for NASA’s Exploration Systems Mission Directorate (ESMD) at NASA headquaters. A geochemist, Dr. Leshin is currently Deputy Director for Science and Technology at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.
Dr. Leshin was a member of the President’s Commission on Implementation of United States Space Exploration Policy, created by President George W. Bush as part of his 2004 Vision for Space Exploration announcement. The commission was chaired by Edward (Pete) Aldridge. At the time, Dr. Leshin was Director of Arizona State University’s Center for Meteorite Studies and the Dee and John Whiteman Dean’s Distinguished Professor of geological sciences. She then joined NASA/Goddard as director of Goddard’s Science and Exploration Directorate.
The selection of a scientist as ESMD deputy may signal a heightened recognition of the role that science can and should play in what is predominanty a human space flight program.
Dr. Leshin’s husband, Dr. Jon Morse, is Director of the Astrophysics Division in NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. With two prominent women named Lori (Garver) and Laurie (Leshin) at NASA headquarters, one will have to listen carefully to determine which is the subject of conversation!
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