Legislation Introduced to Create Commercial Space Transportaton R&D Centers of Excellence

Legislation Introduced to Create Commercial Space Transportaton R&D Centers of Excellence

Representatives Suzanne Kosmas (D-FL) and Bill Posey (R-FL) introduced H.R. 3853 to establish “a competitive Commercial Space Transportaton R&D ‘Centers of Excellence’ (COE) program within NASA” according to a Kosmas press release. The bill was referred to the House Science and Technology Committee.

The statement from Rep. Kosmas’ office explains that the idea is based on the Federal Aviation Administration’s Air Transportation COE program. “The Centers of Excellence program will create university-based public-private partnerships to support commercial spaceflight research and development with stakeholders in industry and government. Aimed at improving U.S. space transportation competitiveness and safety, they would focus on topics such as spaceflight passenger and crew training and qualification, space transportation policy analysis, spaceport safety and range system development, biomedical countermeasures, aerospace workforce training and certification, space vehicle design, including materials and engineering R&D, and space weather.”

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