Looking for Something to Read This Weekend?
It’ll be a cold weekend — in Washington, at least. If you plan to curl up in front of the fireplace and read a good book, forget the novels! Here are two reports and a book we recently posted to our “Top Picks” and “Other Reports of Interest” lists (on our left menu).
- James Clay Moltz, Asia’s Space Race: National Motivations, Regional Rivalries and International Risks. Columbia University Press, 2011.
- UN-SPIDER Report on Space-Based Information for Crowdsource Mapping, based on two meetings organized by UN-SPIDER (United Nations Platform for Space-Based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response), the Secure World Foundation and the Government of Austria, December 2011
Lyn Wigbels, Using Earth Observation Data to Improve Health in the United States: Accomplishments and Future Challenges. Center for Strategic and International Studies, September 2011.
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