LSINC Names Robert Lightfoot as New President

LSINC Names Robert Lightfoot as New President

Huntsville-based LSINC has hired former Acting NASA Administrator Robert Lightfoot as its new President.  LSINC is a woman-owned small business that provides product development, engineering, strategy and strategic communications, and intelligence and security services to commercial and government clients.

Robert Lightfoot, President, LSINC, and former Acting NASA Administrator. Credit: NASA.

In a company press release, LSINC CEO Alicia Ryan said Lightfoot’s “forward-thinking and consensus-building leadership style brings a new  dimension to how we can work with those we serve.”  Lightfoot said he appreciates the “confidence placed in me to further elevate the company’s growth.”

Before moving to NASA Headquarters, Lightfoot was Director of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville.  A native Alabamian whose wife is from Huntsville, he also said that he is “excited about coming home again to the community that has supported me throughout my career.”

LSINC was founded in 2008 as Leadership Strategies Inc. to help senior leaders develop their business strategies.  After acquiring another Huntsville company, Inergie, in 2012, it  grew to encompass the range of services it offers today.  Product development and engineering services range from ideation through prototyping and includes building scale models, mock-ups and full size simulators.

Lightfoot holds the record for serving the longest as NASA’s Acting Administrator — 15 months.  He retired from the agency effective April 30, 2018.

Jim Bridenstine was sworn in as Administrator on April 23.


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