Masten Officially Wins First Place, Armadillo Aerospace Second, in Lunar Lander Challenge

Masten Officially Wins First Place, Armadillo Aerospace Second, in Lunar Lander Challenge

Masten Space Systems was declared the official winner of First Place in Level 2 of the Northrop Grumman Lunar Lander Challenge today. Masten’s landing accuracy of 19 cm beat out Armadillo Aerospace’s 87 cm. First place carries a $1 million prize. Armadillo Aerospace wins $500,000 for Second Place. The prizes will be presented on Thursday, November 5, at noon in room 2325 Rayburn House Office Building.

Masten and Armadillo also won Level 1 of the competition, but in that case their positions were reversed. Armadillo won the $350,000 First Place prize, while Masten won $150,000.

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