More Views on the Election's Impact on NASA
Here are links to other views about the impact of the election on NASA on various websites and other news sources.
- Space News: Election Brings New Leadership to NASA Oversight Committees by Amy Klamper
- Bill Adkins, Center for Strategic Space Studies, in Space News: Space News Asks the Experts
- Aviation Week and Space Technology: Election Adds To Space Policy Uncertainty by Frank Morring
- UPI (via NASAWatch): GOP to gain control of NASA oversight
- WFTV 9 Orlando (via NASAWatch): Does GOP Control Of House Jeopardize NASA’s Future?
- Jeff Foust, Future budget battles
- Florida Today: Extra NASA Funds Unsure After Election, by Bart Jansen
- Florida Today: Our views: GOP deficit-cutting plan could put NASA funding at risk
- MSNBC: How Politics Will Spin Science by Alan Boyle
- Election Results Could Put NASA’s Future Under Fire, by Clara Moskowitz
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