NASA IG: Major Challenges Facing NASA in 2011

NASA IG: Major Challenges Facing NASA in 2011

NASA’s Inspector General (IG), Paul Martin, is testifying to the House Appropriations Commerce-Justice-Science (CJS) subcommittee this morning. His written testimony is available on the Office of Inspector General (OIG) website.

Martin’s bottom line is that NASA is in a “state of significant uncertainty” and its “most immediate challenge” is managing the agency’s programs “amid the continuing lack of clarity caused by conflicting legislative directives” in the 2010 NASA Authorization Act and the FY2010 Consolidated Appropriations Act that prohibits NASA from cancelling the Constellation program or initiating a replacement program until Congress gives its approval in a subsequent appropriations act.

He goes on to list six key challenges facing NASA:

  • Future of U.S. Space Flight
  • Acquisition and Program Management
  • Infrastructure and Facilities Management
  • Human Capital
  • Information Technology Security
  • Financial Management

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