New Scientific Findings about the Moon and Mars to be Featured Tomorrow at NASA

New Scientific Findings about the Moon and Mars to be Featured Tomorrow at NASA

NASA will hold a pair of science briefings tomorrow (Thursday) to debut new findings about the Moon and Mars.

  • 2:00 pm EDT, NASA Headquarters. Briefing on findings from international and national lunar probes, especially the Moon Mineralogy Mapper, a NASA instrument on India’s Chandrayaan-1 lunar orbiter. This event will be shown on NASA Television.
  • 3:00 pm EDT (noon PDT), JPL. Briefing on new findings from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. This is audio only. To listen to the audio, visit:

In other space science news, the Messenger spacecraft is poised to make its third and final loop around Mercury on September 29. The pass will provide a “gravity assist” to the spacecraft, positioning it to enter orbit around Mercury in 2011. This will be the first spacecraft to orbit that planet, which is closest to the Sun.

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