Pence Visits Lockheed Martin’s Denver Facilities

Pence Visits Lockheed Martin’s Denver Facilities

Vice President Mike Pence visited Lockheed Martin’s facilities near Denver, CO today.  Little was said about the visit in advance or during the day, but several tweets appeared this evening from the Vice President, NASA, and Lockheed Martin, which also issued a press release.  Pence was joined by Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson and NASA Associate Administrator for Science Thomas Zurbuchen.

The first official word that the Vice President would visit the company’s facilities was in a White House press release issued last evening showing his schedule for today, although rumors had surfaced earlier in the day.  Pence’s main purpose in Denver was a political fundraiser for the Colorado Republican Party.

Lockheed Martin’s Waterton Canyon facility employs more than 4,000 people and builds spacecraft for DOD, NASA and commercial companies.  Among them are GPS III satellites and NASA’s InSight Mars lander.

These tweets from Pence, NASA, Zurbuchen and Lockheed Martin tell the story.  We’ll add others as we spot them.




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