President Obama Speaks with Orbiting Crews
In case you missed it, the video of President Obama’s chat with the STS-135 and International Space Station (ISS) crews is now on NASA’s YouTube channel.
The President said that he watched the STS-135 launch on TV there at the White House. He thanked everyone who has worked on the shuttle and space station programs.
He inquired about the robotic refueling demonstration the crews will perform and commented on the flag that was brought to the ISS. It was flown on the first shuttle mission and will stay on ISS until the next crew launched from American soil arrives — a “capture the flag moment” according to the President.
The President also acknowledged the anniversary of the 1975 Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP), the first time American and Soviet cosmonauts met in space.
Watch the video of the President’s chat with the astronauts on YouTube.
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