Senate Committee Postpones Vote on Hagel Nomination
The Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) decided to postpone its tentatively planned markup of Chuck Hagel’s nomination to be Secretary of Defense.
SASC was planning to vote on the nomination today, but committee chairman Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) decided to delay action saying that the committee’s review was not complete.
Although he did not reference it, several media sources report that more than two dozen Republicans wrote Levin calling for more time to review Hagel’s financial records, which they argue are incomplete. Politico quotes a passage from the letter where questions are raised by the Republicans about whether Hagel was paid “directly or indirectly, from foreign sources” in relation to speeches or consulting work. Hagel reportedly had been asked about this previously and replied that the financial information requested “regarding private corporate and non-profit entities … is not mine to provide. …I do not believe I have any of the information requested,” according to Politico.
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