Senate Weather Hearing Features Cross Section of Witnesses
The Senate Commerce, Science and Transporation committee’s hearing on Wednesday about the need for innovation in weather forecasting and prediction will feature a broad cross-section of witnesses from federal and state government and the private sector.
The committee released the witness list today:
Witness Panel 1
The Honorable Mary M. Glackin
Deputy Under Secretary for Operations
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The Honorable Todd J. Zinser
Inspector General
U.S. Department of Commerce
Mr. David C. Trimble
Director, Natural Resources and Environment
Government Accountability Office
Rear Admiral Cari B. Thomas
Director of Response Policy
U.S. Coast Guard
Witness Panel 2
Mr. Tom Iseman
Program Director, Water Policy and Implementation, Climate Adaptation
Western Governors’ Association
Dr. Peter P. Neilley
Vice President, Global Forecasting Services
The Weather Channel Companies
Mr. Robert Marshall
President and CEO
Earth Networks
The hearing starts at 10:30 on Wednesday, November 16, and will be webcast on the committee’s website.
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