Senator Mikulski Extols Benefits of Space Program in Senate Floor Debate
During Senate debate on the FY2010 Commerce-Justice-Science (CJS) appropriations bill (H.R. 2847) yesterday (October 7), Senator Mikulski (D-MD), who chairs the CJS subcommittee, added a personal element to the discussion. From her wheelchair, she extolled the benefits of the “space boot” she is wearing to protect a fractured ankle. She cited it as an example of technologies that have come from the space program.
Overall, the portion of the floor debate that concerned NASA (see the Congressional Record) was strongly supportive of NASA’s existing Constellation program and fully funding the President’s FY2010 request for it. By contrast, the House cut the funding by about $600 million in its version of the CJS bill pending the Augustine committee report. The Senate will continue debate on the bill today.
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