Shenzhou-10 Crew Enters Tiangong-1
The three person crew of Shenzhou-10 docked with and entered the Tiangong-1 space station today, beginning a roughly two-week stay.
China’s official news service Xinhua reports that docking took place at 1:18 am Eastern Daylight Time (1:18 pm Bejing time; 05:18 GMT) and the hatch was opened at 4:17 am EDT (4:17 pm Beijing time; 20:17 GMT). Several western sources, however, say docking was a few minutes earlier (1:11 am EDT).
The three person crew includes Maj. Gen. Nie Haisheng, making his second spaceflight; Col. Zhang Xiaoguang; and Maj. Wang Yaping, China’s second woman in space. They are two days into a 15-day mission that includes conducting experiments aboard Tiangong-1, Wang teaching a physics class, and a manual docking test.
Shenhzou-10 crew. Photo Credit: Xinhua
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