Space Policy Events for December 23 – 31, 2013

Space Policy Events for December 23 – 31, 2013

Happy Holidays!   Except for the hard working astronauts aboard the International Space Station, and the need for Congress to officially adjourn for the year, everyone can take a well deserved break for the rest of 2013.

The astronauts completed the first of two or three spacewalks to fix a coolant loop problem yesterday.  A second is scheduled for Christmas Eve day (7:10 am ET) and a third could be scheduled if needed.   The second was delayed by a day so the astronauts can get a backup spacesuit ready for Rick Mastracchio to wear because something went awry with the one he wore yesterday.  Details are pending.

The House and Senate have completed their legislative work for the year, but both chambers are scheduled to meet in “pro forma” sessions this coming week, the House tomorrow and the Senate on Tuesday.  The Senate meeting will take place only if the House has not approved an adjournment resolution by then.  Chances are that’s what the House will do tomorrow, so the Senate session is tentative.

Things will get hopping very quickly in the New Year with the winter meeting of the American Astronomical Society on January 5-10, NASA’s Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) on January 8-9,  the International Space Exploration Forum with ministers of more than 30 space-faring countries on January 9, and the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) Heads of Agencies Summit on Exploration on January 9-10.   All of those meetings will take place in the Washington, D.C. area.  

Oh, and Congress is expected to return to work that week, too; the Senate on January 6 and the House on January 7.

So enjoy the holiday break — it’s busy, busy, busy after that.

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