Space Policy Events for February 10-14, 2014

Space Policy Events for February 10-14, 2014

The following events may be of interest in the week ahead.  The House and Senate both are in session.

During the Week

The week starts off quickly, with a field hearing at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Center on Monday morning at 9:00 am ET on “Assessing NASA’s Underutilized Real Property Assets at the Kennedy Space Center.”    This is a somewhat unusual hearing in that it is not being held by any of the committees that typically oversee NASA.  Instead, this is being held under the auspices of the Subcommittee on Government Operations of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.  Subcommittee chairman John Mica (R-FL) represents a district near KSC.   His subcommittee “oversees the efficiency and management of government operations and activities,” according to its website.   The list of witnesses span federal, state and local government as well as the Audubon Society.

Other congressional hearings this week center on issues that could affect national security space programs.  Of greatest interest may be Wednesday’s HASC hearing on defense acquisition reform.  Not that there haven’t been an awful lot of hearings on this topic over the years, but Wednesday’s includes the esteemed Norm Augustine,  who can always be counted on to provide extremely wise words of advice.  In the space community he is probably best known these days as the chair of the 2009 “Augustine Committee” that offered options for the future of the human spaceflight program, but he has chaired many such review/advisory committees over the decades and is a former Chairman and CEO of Lockheed Martin, not to mention a former under secretary of the Army and author of the incisive Augustine’s Laws.

Those and other events that we know about as of Sunday afternoon are listed below.

Monday, February 10

Tuesday, February 11

Wednesday, February 12

Thursday, February 13

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