Space Policy Events for the Week of June 10-14, 2013
The following space policy events may be of interest in the week ahead. The House and Senate are in session this week.
Monday, June 10
- Senate Commerce Committee markup of nominations for Anthony Foxx to be Secretary of Transportation and Penny Pritzker to be Secretary of Commerce, S-216 Capitol, time TBA
- Space Policy and History Forum Featuring George Nield, National Air & Space Museum, 4:00 pm ET
Tuesday, June 11
- ISU-DC Space Cafe Featuring Piers Sellers, The Science Club, Washington, DC, 7:00 pm ET
Tuesday-Friday, June 11-14
- Senate Armed Services Subcommittee and Full Committee Markup of the FY2014 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), various times and locations, many of the meetings are closed
- The Strategic Forces subcommittee markup is June 11 at 3:30 pm ET and is closed
- Full committee markup begins June 12 in the afternoon and runs through Friday; it is closed
Wednesday, June 12
- House Appropriations Full Committee Markup FY2014 Defense Appropriations Bill, 2359 Rayburn, 10:00 am ET
- House Energy & Commerce Sbcmte Hearing on Satellite Television, 2123 Rayburn, 10:30 am ET
- House Rules Committee meets on H.R. 1960, FY2014 NDAA, H-313 Capitol, 2:00 pm ET
Wednesday-Friday, June 12-14
- RAST 2013, Istanbul, Turkey
Thursday, June 13
- Marshall Institute and TechAmerica Discussion on Space Launch Industrial Base: Challenges and Opportunities, 601 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W., North Building (enter on Indiana Ave., NW), 9:00-11:00 am ET
- U.N. Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) Discussion on 50 Years of Women in Space, Vienna, Austria
Friday, June 14
- Women in Aerospace (WIA) Aerospace 2013 Conference, Key Bridge Marriott, Arlington, VA
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