Space Policy Events for the Week of March 18-22, 2013

Space Policy Events for the Week of March 18-22, 2013

The following events may be of interest in the coming week.  The House and Senate are in session.

During the Week

The House and Senate are hoping to complete action on the FY2013 Continuing Resolution (CR) by Friday when both chambers are scheduled to begin a two week Easter/Passover recess.  They each also hope to pass their respective FY2014 budget resolutions.  (For an explanation of the difference between the CR and the budget resolutions, see the article we published Friday.)  Congress has until March 27 to pass something to keep the government operating — that is when the current CR expires.  If they do not pass a new one, they could pass a short-term extension of the current law.

This is a very busy week for the space community as a whole, with two major conferences in Washington, DC (Satellite 2013 and the AAS Goddard Memorial Symposium) and one in Houston (LPSC 2013).   There are four hearings of particular interest:  the House SS&T Committee’s rescheduled hearing on the threat posed by meteors and comets on Tuesday; the Senate Commerce subcommittee’s hearing on “threats from space” that apparently includes not just meteors and comets, but judging from the witness list, space debris and perhaps others threats on Wednesday; and the House Appropriations Commerce-Justice-Science (CJS) subcommittee hearing on Wednesday afternoon with NASA Administrator Bolden and a separate CJS hearing on Thursday with “outside witnesses” who may talk about space issues among the broad array of other topics under the subcommittee’s jurisdiction.

Monday-Thursday, March 18-21

  • Satellite 2013, Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC
    • Monday is a series of pre-conference meetings, the conference itself is March 19-21

Monday-Friday, March 18-22

Tuesday, March 19

Tuesday-Thursday, March 19-21

Wednesday, March 20

Thursday, March 21

Friday, March 22



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