Spacesuit Voltage Drop Forces Early End to Russian Spacewalk
A Russian spacewalk at the International Space Station today was forced to end early when one of the spacesuits experienced a drop in battery voltage. Cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev was ordered to return to the safety of the airlock immediately although Russian and U.S. officials insist he was in no danger. It is too early to tell when Russian spacewalks will resume. U.S. spacewalks already are suspended due to problems with NASA’s spacesuits.
Artemyev and Denis Matveev were scheduled for an approximately 6.5 hour spacewalk to continue activating the European Robotic Arm on the Multipurpose Laboratory Module (MLM), called Nauka, that arrived at ISS last summer. Their main task was to install two cameras on the arm, relocate a panel, and remove restraints that were needed to secure two end effectuators (“hands”) during launch.

What turned out to be a 4 hour 1 minute spacewalk began at 9:53 am ET and ended at 1:54 pm ET when both cosmonauts were back inside the airlock. This was Artemyev’s seventh and Matveev’s third spacewalk, or extravehicular activity (EVA).

At 2 hours and 17 minutes into the EVA, Artemyev’s Orlan spacesuit began showing unusual battery readings. Russian mission control in Moscow directed Artemyev to return to the airlock immediately while Matveev remained outside to finish up various tasks.

Russia’s space state corporation Roscosmos made light of the matter afterwards, saying the “situation was under the control of Russian specialists and did not threaten the health of the cosmonaut.” NASA followed suit, reporting that the “duo was never in any danger during the operations.”
Cosmonauts Oleg Artemyev and Denis Matveev safely concluded their spacewalk at 1:54pm ET today after Artemyev’s spacesuit displayed abnormal battery readings. More:
— International Space Station (@Space_Station) August 17, 2022
The EVA was livestreamed on NASA TV. Bill Harwood of CBS News and Anatoly Zak of were live-tweeting the event and conveyed the conversations between the cosmonauts and Mission Control Center (MCC) Moscow.
ISS/RS EVA-54 (PET 2:17, 1610 UTC): Spacesuit problems – voltage fluctuations – are forcing Artemyev to return to the Poisk airlock compartment on an expedited bases to hook up to ISS power; mission control: “drop everything and start going back right away”
— William Harwood (@cbs_spacenews) August 17, 2022
ISS/RS EVA-54: To reiterate, here’s the conversation about Artemyev’s suit: Flight controller: “Oleg, you must return to the airlock as soon as possible because if you lose power, it is not only the pumps and the fan, you will lose comm. You have to go back.”
— William Harwood (@cbs_spacenews) August 17, 2022
ISS/RS EVA-54: Artemyev: “I understand.” MCC: “Oleg, drop everything and go back;” Artemyev is now back inside the Poisk airlock compartment and connected to ISS power; one of the cosmonauts joked: “I think we need some solar panels on the Orlan so we can recharge on the EVA”
— William Harwood (@cbs_spacenews) August 17, 2022
Oleg Artemiev needs to return to Poisk immediately and switch to internal power supply, so his suit continues to function in vacuum due to a power supply (voltage fluctation) problem…
— Anatoly Zak (@RussianSpaceWeb) August 17, 2022
Head of Russian ISS Segment, Vladimir Soloviev chimed in personally into the cosmonauts communications loop and told Artemiev to return to Poisk module (serving as airlock) absolutely immediately. All other tasks of the spacewalk were aborted two hours into a 6-hour sortie…
— Anatoly Zak (@RussianSpaceWeb) August 17, 2022
Mission control warned Artemiev about the possibility of losing communications with ground control during his trip back to the station and interruption in the operation of the ventilation fan, all due to power supply issue…
— Anatoly Zak (@RussianSpaceWeb) August 17, 2022
Artemiev reported that he is now reentering the airlock and will connect the power cable from the station to his suit…
— Anatoly Zak (@RussianSpaceWeb) August 17, 2022
Zak told that it’s too early to know what impact this will have. “We need to know more about this situation to make a judgment,” he said, pointing out that spacesuits are mini-spacecraft. Many things can go wrong “including just sensor failures or false alarms, but obviously specialists can’t take any risks when it comes to such a critical parameter as power supply,”
The Russian spacesuits are completely different from their U.S. counterparts and usually quite reliable. The original design dates back to 1977, but has been upgraded several times since.
NASA’s spacesuits date back to the same era and after four decades are showing their age. In 2013, ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano experienced an extremely serious water incursion into his helmet from the suit’s cooling system during his spacewalk. He later described it as feeling “like a goldfish in a fishbowl.” NASA diagnosed and fixed that problem and added safety precautions such as placing an absorbent pad at the back of the helmet and a breathing tube to access oxygen elsewhere in the suit. But problems persist. In March 2022, another ESA astronaut, Matthias Maurer, had a small amount water in his helmet after an EVA.
As in the case of the 2013 episode, NASA suspended all of its EVAs — unless there’s an emergency — until they determine the cause. They’ll get a first hand look soon. Maurer’s spacesuit is returning to Earth on SpaceX’s Cargo Dragon, SpX-25, which will undock tomorrow at 11:05 am ET.
NASA recently contracted with two companies to design and make new spacesuits for use on the ISS and for the Artemis lunar program, but they will not be ready for some time.
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