Four Books for Your Summer Reading List

Four Books for Your Summer Reading List

It’s been a while since we updated our “Top Picks” reading list.  With summer vacations coming up, here are four that we’re adding today.

These are listed chronologically based on when we got them, except for the last — we haven’t seen that one yet, but have heard good things.  Apart from that, there is no particular order.  As you’ll see, they span a wide spectrum of interests.

  • Roger Launius (ed).  Exploring the Solar System:  The History and Science of Planetary Exploration.  Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.  381 pp.
  • Dominic Phelan (ed).  Cold War Space Sleuths:  The Untold Secrets of the Soviet Space Program.  Springer, 2013.   300 pp.
  • Buzz Aldrin and Leonard David.   Mission to Mars:  My Vision for Space Exploration.  National Geographic, 2013.  258 pp.
  • Matthew Kleiman.   The Little Book of Space Law.   American Bar Association, 2013.  190 pp.

We also just heard that Nandasiri Jasentuliyana, President Emeritus of the International Institute of Space Law (IISL), just published his memoirs — Same Sky, Different Nights.   We’ll add it to the list when we get more details.  Originally from Sri Lanka, he spent a good portion of his career at the United Nations rising up the ladder of the organization (currently the Office of Outer Space Affairs in Vienna, Austria) that administers the U.N. Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOUS).  Should make for some very interesting tales.



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