UPDATE: CNN Reports That Elon Musk is Out of Cash
UPDATE: Space News has published a story quoting SpaceX official Larry Williams as saying that Mr. Musk’s financial situation is “irrelevant to the company and our future” because although he is the largest shareholder, “he is only one of a number of investors at this point.” The focus of the article is that SpaceX told NASA that it would be eight months instead of five months between the first and second test flights of Falcon 9 that are part of NASA’s COTS subsidy program. The first test launch of Falcon 9, with a Dragon mockup, is currently scheduled for June 4 but does not count as part of COTS, according to the article.
ORIGINAL STORY: Elon Musk, the man behind SpaceX and Tesla Motors, is out of cash according to CNN. The story is about his personal situation and that of Tesla Motors, his electric car company, and does not mention SpaceX. CNN bases its story on court fillings Musk reportedly made in connection with his divorce trial and quotes Musk as having told the court that ‘”About four months ago I ran out of cash” and “I had to obtain emergency loans from personal friends.”
Editor’s note: an earlier version of this story did not specify that it is the first two launches of the Falcon 9 that are part of the NASA COTS program.
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