Washington Post: Final Shuttle Mission Clouded by Rancor

Washington Post: Final Shuttle Mission Clouded by Rancor

The Washington Post also has an article by Joel Achenbach today entitled “Final NASA shuttle mission clouded in rancor” that exposes the deep rift between current NASA leadership and some of the most iconic members of the space community over the future of the human spaceflight program.

Here are just two notable quotes from the article:

  • “We have a program. We have a budget. We have bipartisan support. We have a destination,” NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver said. “We are just putting finer points on the rocket design.”
  • Here’s Bob Crippen, who was the pilot of the first shuttle mission, STS-1, back in 1981: “I’ve never seen NASA so screwed up as it is right now. ._._. They don’t know where they’re going.”

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