What's Happening in Space Policy: April 21-27, 2014
Here is our list of space policy-related events for the upcoming week and any insight we can offer about them. The House and Senate remain in recess; they will return April 28.
During the Week
The three-day Humans to Mars Summit 2014 at George Washington University has an all-star lineup of speakers including NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden, NASA Associate Administrator for Human Exploration and Operations Bill Gerstenmaier, NASA Associate Administrator for Space Technology Mike Gazarik, and NASA Ames Center Director Pete Worden. NASA put out its own press release about the event to let everyone know Bolden will “outline NASA’s human exploration path to Mars” during his keynote address on Tuesday at 9:00 am ET.
Tuesday is Earth Day. A chance to celebrate our home planet. NASA is sponsoring activities all week online and in various locations around the country. The B612 Foundation chose Earth Day to release “video of data from nuclear-test-ban-organization showing multiple atomic bomb scale asteroid impacts on Earth since 2001.” Their press conference will be livestreamed from the Seattle Museum of Flight at 11:30 am Pacific (2:30 pm Eastern).
Here’s a list of all the events we know about as of Sunday afternoon.
Monday-Saturday, April 21-27
- NASA Earth Day Events, nationwide and online
Tuesday, April 22
- Earth Day. Celebrate your home planet! Check local news outlets for announcements of local events.
- B612 Press Conference, Seattle Museum of Flight, Seattle, WA, 11:30 am Pacfic Time (2:30 pm ET), will be livestreamed
[B612 tweeted on April 21 that this begins at 11:00 am PT, but the press release and B612’s website say 11:00 am PT]- B612 is also co-sponsoring an evening event at the museum, from 6:00 – 7:15 pm PT
Tuesday-Thursday, April 22-24
- Humans to Mars Summit 2014, George Washington University, Washington, DC, will be livestreamed and broadcast on NASA TV (at least portions will be). (The conference is in different buildings on the various days; consult the agenda for details)
Wednesday, April 23
- Spacewalk to replace failed MDM computer, Earth orbit, 8:55 am ET (NASA TV coverage begins at 8:00 am ET)
- NASA Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel, Kennedy Space Center, FL, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm ET
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