Government Accountability Office

Government Accountability Office

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The Government Accountability Office (formerly the General Accounting Office) is part of the legislative branch of government. It is known as “the investigative arm of Congress” and “the congressional watchdog.” GAO supports the Congress in meeting its constitutional responsibilities and helps improve the performance and accountability of the federal government for the benefit of the American people. Read More About GAO

Reports on DOD Space Programs
Reports on NASA Space Programs
Reports on NOAA Space Programs
Reports on Multi-Agency Space Programs, Other Government Space Activities, Export Controls


Weapons Systems Annual Assessment. GAO-24-106831. June 17, 2024.

Space Aquisitions: Anaysis of Two DOD Reports to Congress. GAO-24-106984. March 26, 2024.

Space Command and Control: Improved Tracking and Reporting Would Clarify Progress Amid Persistent Delays. GAO-23-105920. June 8, 2023.

Weapon Systems Annual Assessment: Programs are Not Consistently Implementing Practices That Can Help Accelerate Acquisitions. GAO-23-106-59. June 8, 2023.

GPS Modernization: Space Force Should Reassess Requirements for Satellites and Handheld Devices. GAO-23-106018. June 5, 2023.

Space Situational Awareness: DOD Should Evaluate How it Can Use Commerce Data. GAO-23-105565. April 24, 2023.

Satellite Control Network: Updating Sustainment Plan Would Help Space Force Better Manage Future Efforts. GAO-23-105505. April 10, 2023.

National Security Space: Overview of Contracts for Commercial Satellite Imagery. GAO-23-106042. December 8, 2022.

National Security Space: Actions Needed to Better Use Commercial Satellite Imagery and Analytics. GAO-22-106106. September 7, 2022.

GPS Alternatives: DOD is Developing Navigation Systems But is Not Measuring Overall Progress.  GAO-22-106010. August 5, 2022.

GPS Modernization: Better Information and Detailed Test Plans Needed for Timely Fielding of Military User Equipment. GAO-22-105086. May 9, 2022.

Missile Warning Satellites: Comprehensive Cost and Schedule Information Would Enhance Congressional Oversight. GAO-21-105249. September 22, 2021.

Satellite Communications: DOD Should Explore Options to Meet User Needs for Narrowband CapabilitiesGAO-21-105283. September 2, 2021.

DOD Faces Challenges and Opportunities with Acquiring Space Systems in a Changing Environment. GAO-21-520T. May 24, 2021.

Defense Navigation Capabilities: DOD is Developing Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Technologies to Complement GPS. GAO-21-320SP. May 10, 2021.

GPS Modernization: DOD Continuing to Develop New Jam-Resistant Capability, But Widespread Use Remains Years Away. GAO-21-145. January 19, 2021.

Defense Acquisitions Annual Assessment: Drive to Delivery Capabilities Faster Increases Importance of Program Knowledge and Consistent Data for Oversight.  GAO-20-429.  June 3, 2020.

Satellite Communications: DOD Should Develop A Plan for Implementing Its Recommendations on a Future Wideband Architecture.  GAO-20-80.  December 19, 2019.

Space Command and Control: Comprehensive Planning and Oversight Could Help DOD Acquire Capabilities and Address Challenges. GAO-20-146. October 30, 2019.

Global Positioning System: Updated Schedule Assessment Could Help Decision Makers Address Likely Delays Related to New Ground Control SystemGAO-19-250.  May 21, 2019.

Space Acquisitions: DOD Faces Significant Challenges as it Seeks to Accelerate Space Programs and Address Threats. Testimony of Cristina T. Chaplain, Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management before the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, Senate Committee on Armed Services. GAO-19-458T.  March 27, 2019.

DOD Space Acquisitions: Including Users Early and Often in Software Development Could Benefit Programs. GAO-19-136. March 18, 2019.  60 pp.

Defense Space Systems: DOD Should Collect and Maintain Data on its Space Acquisition Workforce.  GAO-19-240.  March 14, 2019. 45 pp.

Weapons Systems Annual Assessment.  GAO-18-360SP.  April 25, 2018.  206 pp.

Space Launch: Coordination Mechanisms Facilitate Interagency Information Sharing on Acquisitions.  GAO-17-646R.  August 9, 2017, 15 pp.

Space Acquisitions:  DOD Continues to Face Challenges of Delayed Delivery of Critical Space Capabilities and Fragmented Leadership.   Testimony of Cristina T. Chaplain, Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management before the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, Senate Committee on Armed Services.  GAO-17-619T.  May 17, 2017. 24 pp.

Defense Acquisitions: Assessments of Selected Weapon ProgramsGAO-17-333SP.  March 30, 2017.  211 pp.

High-Risk Series: Progress on Many High-Risk Areas, While Substantial Efforts Needed on Others.  GAO-17-317.  February 15, 2017. 677 pp.

Defense Space Acquisitions: Too Early to Determine if Recent Changes Will Resolve Persistent Fragmentation in Management and Oversight.  GAO-16-592R.  July 27, 2016. 69 pp.

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle: DOD Is Assessing Data on Worldwide Launch Market to Inform New Acquisition Strategy.   GAO-16-661R.  July 22, 2016. 45 pp. [Powerpoint presentation]

Defense Weather Satellites:  DOD Faces Acquisition Challenges for Addressing Capability Needs.  Testimony of Cristina Chaplain, Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management, before a hearing of the Environment Subcommittee of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee.  GAO-16-769T.   July 7, 2016. 13 pp.

Space Acquisitions: Challenges Facing DOD as it Changes Approaches to Space Acquisitions. Statement for the Record to the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, Senate Armed Services Committee, by Cristina Chaplain, Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management.  GAO-16-271T.  March 9, 2016, 25 pp.

GPS: Actions Needed to Address Ground System Development Problems and User Equipment Production Readiness.  GAO-15-657. September 9, 2015, 61 pp.

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle:  The Air Force Needs To Adopt an Incremental Approach to Future Acquisition Planning to Enable Incorporation of Lessons Learned.  GAO-15-263.  August 2015.  33 pp.

Defense Satellite Communications:  DOD Needs Additional Information to Improve Procurements. GAO-15-549. July 17, 2015. 31 pp.

Space Acquisitions:  Some Programs Have Overcome Past Problems, but Challenges and Uncertainty Remain for the Future.  Testimony of Cristina Chaplain, Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management, before a hearing of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee of the Senate Armed Services Committee.  GAO-15-492T.  April 29, 2015.  23 pp.

Space Acquisitions:  Space Based Infrared System Could Benefit from Technology Insertion Planning.  GAO-15-366.  April 3, 2015.  25 pp.

Space Acquisitions:  DOD Needs More Guidance on Decision to Store Satellites.  GAO-15-97R.  December 9, 2014.  45 pp.

DOD Space Systems: Additional Knowledge Would Better Support Decisions About Disaggregating Large Satellites.  GAO-15-7.  October 2014.  34 pp.

U.S. Launch Enterprise: Acquisition Best Practices Can Benefit Future Efforts.  Testimony of Cristina Chaplain, Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management, before a joint hearing of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee and the Strategic Forces Subcommittee of the Senate Armed Services Committee,  GAO-14-776T.  July 16, 2014.  13 pp.

Defense Acquisitions: Assessments of Selected Weapon Programs.  GAO-14-340SP.  March 31, 2014.  187 pp.

Space Acquisitions: Acquisition Management Continues to Improve but Challenges Persist for Current and Future Programs.  Testimony of Cristina Chaplain, Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management, before the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, Senate Armed Services Committee.  GAO-14-382T.  March 12, 2014. 27 pp.

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle:  Introducing Competition into National Security Space Launch Acquisitions.  Testimony of Cristina Chaplain, Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management, before the Subcommittee on Defense, Senate Committee on Appropriations, GAO 14-259T. March 4, 2014. 11 pp.

The Air Force’s Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle Competitive Procurement.  GAO-14-377R. March 4, 2014.  46 pp.

Space Acquisitions: Assessment of Overhead Persistent Infrared Technology Report.  GAO-14-287R.  January 13, 2014.  6 pp.

GPS Disruptions:  Efforts to Assess Risks to Critical Infrastructure and Coordinate Agency Actions Should be Enhanced.  GAO-14-15.  November 6, 2013. 58 pp.

Defense Acquisition Workforce:  The Air Force Needs to Evaluate Changes in Funding for Civilians Engaged in Space Acquisition.  GAO-13-638.  July 8, 2013.  24 pp.

DOD Is Overcoming Long-Standing Problems, but Faces Challenges to Ensuring Its Investments Are Optimized.  Testimony by Christina Chaplain, director, acquisition and sourcing management, before the  Subcommittee on Strategic Forces of the Senate Armed Services Committe. GAO-13-508T. April 24, 2031.  27 pp.

Satellite Control:  Long-Term Planning and Adoption of Commerical Practices Could Improve DOD’s Operations.  GAO-13-315. April 18, 2013.  42 pp.

Defense Acquisitions:  Assessments of Selected Weapon Programs.   GAO-13-294SP.  March 28, 2013.  (190 pages)

Launch Services New Entrant Certification Guide.  GAO-13-317R.  February 7, 2013. (32 pages)

Department of Defense’s Waiver of Competitive Prototyping Requirement for Enhanced Polar System Program. GAO-12-983R, August 23, 2012. (11 pages)

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle: DOD Is Addressing Knowledge Gaps in Its New Acquisition Strategy.  GAO-12-822 (this is a corrected version of the report, which was issued on August 13, 2012).  (32 pages)

Space Acquisitions:  DOD Faces Challenges in Fully Realizing Benefits of Satellite Acquisition Improvements, by Cristina T. Chaplain, director, acquisition and sourcing management, before the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, Senate Committee on Armed Services.  GAO-12-563T, March 21, 2012. (31 pages)

Space Research: Content and Coodination of Space Science and Technology Strategy Need to be More Robust.GAO-11-722. July 2011. (26 pages)

Space Acquisitions: Development and Oversight Challenges in Delivering Improved Space Situational Awareness Capabilities. GAO-11-545. May 2011. (60 pages)

Space Acquisitions: DOD Delivering News Generations of Satellites, but Space System Acquisition Challenges Remain. Testimony of Cristina Chaplain, director, acquisition and sourcing management, to the Senate Armed Services Committee, May 11, 2011. GAO-11-590T. (34 pages)

Space Acquisitions: Challenges in Commercializing Technologies Developed Under the Small Business Innovation Research Program. GAO-11-21. November 2010. (41 pages)

Global Positioning System: Challenges in Sustaining and Upgrading Capabilities Persist. GAO-10-636, September 2010. (68 pages)

Space Acquisitions: DOD Poised to Enhance Space Capabilities, but Persistent Challenges Remain in Developing Space Systems, Testimony by Cristina Chaplain, director, acquisition and sourcing management, before the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, Senate Committee on Armed Services. GAO-10-447T, March 10, 2010.

Briefing on Commercial and Department of Defense Space System Requirements and Acquisition Practices to Subcommittee on Defense, House Appropriations Committee. GAO-10315R, January 14, 2010. (57 pages)

Status of GAO Recommendations to the Department of Defense (Fiscal Years 2001-2008). GAO-10-211R, December 16, 2009. (44 pages)

Defense Acquisitions: Challenges in Aligning Space System Components. GAO-10-55, October 29, 2009. (43 pages)

Polar-Orbiting Environmental Satellites: With Costs Increasing and Data Continuity at Risk, Improvements Needed in Tri-agency Decision Making. GAO-09-564, June 17, 2009. (52 pages)

Polar-Orbiting Satellites: With Costs Increasing and Data Continuity at Risk, Improvements Needed in Tri-agency Decision Making, TestImony by David A. Powner, director, information technology management issues before the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight, House Committee on Science and Technology. GAO-09-772T, June 17, 2009. (10 pages)

Space Acquisitions: DOD Faces Substantial Challenges in Developing New Space Systems Testimony by Cristina Chaplain, director, acquisition and sourcing management, before the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, Senate Armed Services Committee. GAO-09-705T, May 20, 2009 ( 20 pages)

Global Positioning System: Significant Challenges in Sustaining and Upgrading Widely Used Capabilities. GAO-09-670T, May 7, 2009. Testimony by Cristina Chaplain, director, acquisition and sourcing management, before the Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. (15 pages)

Global Positioning System: Significant Challenges in Sustaining and Upgrading Widely Used Capabilities. GAO-09-325, April 30, 2009 ( 61 pages)

Space Acquisitions: Government and Industry Partners Face Substantial Challenges in Developing New DOD Space Systems. Testimony by Cristina Chaplain, director, acquisition and sourcing management, before the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, House Committee on Armed Services. GAO-09-648T, April 30, 2009.

Defense Acquisitions: Assessments of Selected Weapon Programs GAO-09-326SP, March 30, 2009
(190 pages)

Includes assessments of the following DOD space programs: Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) communications satellites, Space Tracking and Surveillance System (STSS), Global Positioning System (GPS) Block IIIA, National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS), Global Positioning System (GPS) Block IIF, Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS) High, Space-Based Space Surveillance Block 10, and the Transformational Satellite Communications System (TSAT).

Space Acquisitions: DOD’s Goals for Resolving Space Based Infrared System Software Problems Are AmbitiousGAO-08-1073 September 30, 2008 (30 pages)

Space Acquisitions: Uncertainties in the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle Program Pose Management and Oversight Challenges GAO-08-1039 September 26, 2008 (45 pages)

Defense Space Activities: DOD Needs to Further Clarify the Operationally Responsive Space Concept and Plan to Integrate and Support Future Satellites GAO-08-831 July 11, 2008 (32 pages)

Environmental Satellites: Polar-orbiting Satellite Acquisition Faces Delays; Decisions Needed on Whether and How to Ensure Climate Data Continuity GAO-08-899T June 19, 2008 (34 pages)

Environmental Satellites: Polar-orbiting Satellite Acquisition Faces Delays; Decisions Needed on Whether and How to Ensure Climate Data Continuity GAO-08-518 May 16, 2008 (53 pages)

Space Acquisitions: DOD Is Making Progress to Rapidly Deliver Low Cost Space Capabilities, but Challenges Remain GAO-08-516 April 25, 2008 (21 pages)

Defense Space Activities: National Security Space Strategy Needed to Guide Future DOD Space Efforts GAO-08-431R March 27, 2008 (15 pages)

Space Acquisitions: Major Space Programs Still at Risk for Cost and Schedule Increases
GAO-08-552T March 4, 2008 (21 pages)



Artemis Programs: NASA Should Document and Communicate Plans to Address Gateway’s Mass Risk. GAO-24-106878. July 31, 2024.

NASA: Assessment of Major Projects. GAO-24-106767. June 20, 2024.

NASA Artemis Programs: Lunar Landing Plans are Progressing But Challenges RemainGAO-24-107249. Testimony of William Russell, Director, Contracting and National Security Acquisitions, to the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee’s Subcommittee on Space, January 17, 2024.

NASA Artemis Programs: Crewed Moon Landing Faces Multiple Challenges. GAO-24-106256. November 30, 2023.

Space Launch System: Cost Transparency Needed to Monitor Program Affordability. GAO-23-105609. September 7, 2023.

NASA: Assessments of Major Projects. GAO-23-106021. May 31, 2023.

Priority Open Recommendations: National Aeronautics and Space Adminstration. GAO-23-106496. May 10, 2023.

High-Risk Series: Efforts Made to Achieve Progress Need to be Maintained and Expanded to Fully Address All Areas. [Identifies programs/activities at NASA and many other government agencies that GAO determines are “high risk” in terms of vulnerability to waste, fraud, abuse and mismanagement, or that need broad reform. NASA’s acquisition management is on the list.] GAO-23-106203. April 20, 2023.

NASA Lunar Programs: Improved Mission Guidance Needed as Artemis Complexity Grows. GAO-22-105323. September 8, 2022.

International Space Station: Opportunities Exist to Improve Communication with National Laboratory Users. GAO-22-105147. June 7, 2022.

NASA Lunar Programs: Significant Work Remains, Underscoring Challenges to Achieving Moon Landing in 2024GAO-21-330. May 26, 2021. 50 pp.

NASA: Assessment of Major Projects. GAO-21-306.  May 20, 2021. 146 pp.

James Webb Space Telescope: Project Nearing Completion, But Work to Resolve Challenges Continues. GAO-21-406. May 13, 2021. 33 pp.

Environmental Liabilities: NASA’s Reported Financial Liabilities Have Grown, and Several Factors Contribute to Future Uncertainties. GAO-21-205. January 15, 2021. 39 pp.

NASA Human Space Exploration: Significant Investments in Future Capabilities Require Strengthened Management Oversight. GAO-21-105. December 15, 2020. 43 pp.

NASA: Assessment of Major ProjectsGAO-20-405. April 29, 2020. 119 pp.

NASA: Priority Open  Recommendations.  GAO-20-526PR.  April 23, 2020. 11 pp.

NASA Commercial Crew Program: Significant Work Remains to Begin Operational Missions to the Space Station.  GAO-20-121.  January 29, 2020.  27 pp.

James Webb Space Telescope: Technical Challenges Have Caused Schedule Strain and May Increase Cost. GAO-20-224.  January 28, 2020.  42 pp.

NASA Lunar Programs: Opportunities Exist to Strengthen Analysed and Plans for Moon Landing.  GAO–20-68. December 19, 2019. 45 pp.

NASA Commercial Crew Program: Schedule Uncertainty Persists for Start of Operational Missions to the International Space Station.  GAO-19-504.  June 20, 2019, 27 pp.

NASA Human Space Exploration: Persistent Delays and Cost Growth Reinforce Concerns Over Management of ProgramsGAO-19-377.  June 19, 2019, 60 pp.

NASA: Assessments of Major ProjectsGAO-19-262SP. May 30, 2019. 107 pp.

Priority Open Recommendations: National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationGAO-19-424SP. April 12, 2019. 9 pp.

NASA Commercial Crew Program: Plan Needed to Ensure Uninterrupted Access to the International Space Station. GAO-18-476. July 11, 2018. 47 pp.

NASA: Assessments of Major Projects.  GAO-18-280SP.  May 1, 2018.  127 pp.

James Webb Space Telescope: Integration and Test Challenges Have Delayed Launch and Threaten to Push  Costs Over Cap.  GAO-18-273.  February 28, 2018.   31 pp.

NASA: Preliminary Observations on the Management of Space TelescopesGAO-18-277T.   Testimony of Cristina Chaplain, Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management, to the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee’s Subcommittee on Space, December 6, 2017. 20 pp.

Space Exploration: Improved Planning and Communication Needed for Plutonium-238 and Radioisotope Power SystemsGAO-18-161T.  Testimony of Shelby Oakley, Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management, to the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee’s Subcommittee on Space, October 4, 2017.  14 pp.

Space Launch: Coordination Mechanisms Facilitate Interagency Information Sharing on Acquisitions.  GAO-17-646R.  August 9, 2017, 15 pp.

NASA:  Assessments of Major Projects.   GAO-17-303SP.  May 15, 2017.  107 pp.

NASA Human Space Exploration:  Delay Likely for First Exploration Mission.  GAO-17-414.  April 27, 2017.  25 pp.

NASA Commercial Crew Program: Schedule Pressure Increases as Contractors Delay Key Events.  GAO-17-137. February 16, 2017. 37 pp.

High-Risk Series: Progress on Many High-Risk Areas, While Substantial Efforts Needed on Others.  GAO-17-317.  February 15, 2017. 677 pp.

James Webb Space Telescope: Project Meeting Cost and Schedule Commitments but Continues to Use Reserves to Address Challenges.  GAO-17-71. December 7, 2016.  33 pp.

NASA Human Space Exploration: Opportunity Nears to Reassess Launch Vehicle and Ground Systems Cost and Schedule.  GAO-16-612.  July 27, 2016.  46 pp.

NASA:  Assessments of Major Projects.  GAO-16-309SP.  March 2016. 97 pp.

NASA:  Preliminary Observations on Major Acquisition Projects and Management Challenges.  Testimony of Cristina Chaplain, Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management, to the House Science, Space and Technology Committee.  GAO-16-461T.  February 25, 2016.  24 pp.

James Webb Space Telescope: Project on Track but May Benefit from Improved Contractor Data to Better Understand Costs. GAO-16-112. December 17, 2015. 52 pp.

Bid Protest Decision: Ball Aerospace (re its challenge of  NASA’s Award of JPSS contract to Orbital ATK). July 16, 2015 (publicly released July 28, 2015). Memorandum. B-411359, B-411359.2   15 pp.

International Space Station: Challenges to Increased Utilization May Affect Return on Investment. Testimony of Shelby S. Oakley, Acting Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management, to the Subcommittee on Space, House Science, Space and Technology Committee, July 10, 2015.  17 pp. GAO15-722T.

International Space Station:  Measurable Performance Targets and Documentation Needed To Better Assess Management of National Laboratory.  GAO-15-397.  Published April 27, 2015; publicly released May 27, 2015.  51 pp.

NASA: Assessments of Selected Large-Scale Projects [Reissued on March 26, 2015].  GAO-15-320SP.  103 pp.  (Original issue date March 24, 2015)

James Webb Space Telescope: Project Facing Increased Schedule Risk with Significant Work Remaining.  Testimony of Cristina T. Chaplain, Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management, to the Subcommittee on Space, House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, March 24, 2015.  19 pp.  GAO-15-483T.

Bid Protest Decision:  Sierra Nevada Corporation (re its challenge of NASA’s award of the Commercial Crew Transportation Capability — CCtCAP — awards to SpaceX and Boeing). January 5, 2015 (publicly released January 20, 2015). B-410485,B-410485.2,B-410485.3:  21 pp

James Webb Space Telescope: Project Facing Increased Schedule Risk with Significant Work Remaining.  GAO-15-100.  December 2014.  50 pp.

NASA:  Human Space Exploration Programs Face Challenges.  Testimony of Cristina T. Chaplain, Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management to the Subcommittee on Space, House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, December 10, 2014.  18 pp. GAO-15-284T.

NASA:  Assessments of Selected Large-Scale Projects.  GAO-14-338SP.  April 15, 2014.  104 pp.

James Webb Space Telescope:  Project Meeting Commitments but Current Technical, Cost, and Schedule Challenges Could Affect Continued Progress.  GAO-14-72.  January 8, 2014.  55 pp.

Decision: Matter of Blue Origin, LLC (regarding NASA’s Announcement for Proposals for future use of Launch Complex 39A at Kennedy Space Center)  December 12, 2013.  File B-408823.  12 pp.

NASA: Assessments of Selected Large-Scale Projects.  GAO-13-276SP.  April 17, 2013.  101 pp.

James Webb Space Telescope:  Actions Needed to Improve Cost Estimate and Oversight of Test and Integration.  GAO-13-4. December 3, 2012.  56 pp.

NASA:  Earned Value Management Implementation Across Major Projects is Uneven.  GAO-13-22.  November 19, 2012.  110 pp.

NASA:  Sighnificant Challenges Remain for Access, Use, and Sustainment of the International Space Station.  Testimony of Cristina T. Chaplain, Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management to the House Science, Space and Technology Committee, March 28, 2012.  GAO-12-587T

Assessment of Selected Large Scale Projects.  GAO-12-207SP.  March 1, 2012.  113 pp.

NASA Needs to Better Assess Contract Termination Liability Risks and Ensure Consistency in Its Practices. Letter Report. GAO-11-609R. July 12, 2011. (18 pages)

Reimburseable Space Act Agreements: NASA Generally Adhering to Fair Reimbursement Controls, But Guidance on Waived Cost Justifications Needs Refinement. GAO-11-553R, May 26, 2011. (63 pages)

Training Necessary to Address Data Reliability Issues in NASA Agreement Database and to Minimize Potential Competition with Commercial Sector. Letter Report. GAO-11-552R. May 26, 2011. (13 pages)

Commercial Launch Vehicles: NASA Taking Measures to Manage Delays and Risks. Testimony of Cristina Chaplain, Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management before the Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee. GAO-11-692T, May 26, 2011. (23 pages)

International Space Station (ISS) — Ongoing Assessments for Life Extension Appear to be Supported. GAO-11-519R, April 11, 2011. (39 pages)

NASA: Assessments of Selected Large Scale Projects. GAO-11-239SP, March 3, 2011. (96 pages) Associated letter to NASA Administrator Bolden.

NASA: Issues Implementing the NASA Authorization Act of 2010. Testimony of Cristina Chaplain, Director, Acquistion and Sourcing Management, and Susan A. Poling, Managing Associate General Counsel, before the Space and Science Subcommittee, Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee. GAO-11-216T, December 1, 2010. (16 pages)

NASA: Medium Launch Transition Strategy Leverages Ongoing Investments but Is Not Without Risk. GAO-11-107, November 22, 2010. (38 pages)

NASA: Key Management and Program Challenges. Testimony of Cristina Chaplain, Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management, before the Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee, House Science and Techology Committee, February 3, 2010. GAO-10-387T. (13 pages)

NASA: Briefing on National Aeronautics and Space Administration Programs and Associated Activities. GAO-10-87R, October 15, 2009. (69 pages — 4 page letter report plus briefing charts)

Information Security: NASA Needs to Remedy Vulnerabilities in Key Networks. GAO-10-4, October 15, 2009, (53 pages)

NASA: Constellation Program Cost and Schedule Will Remain Uncertain Until a Sound Business Case Is Established. GAO-09-844, August 26, 2009. (28 pages)

NASA: Commercial Partners Are Making Progress, but Face Aggressive Schedules to Demonstrate Critical Space Station Cargo Transport Capabilities. GAO-09-618, June 16, 2009. (41 pages)

NASA: Projects Need More Disciplined Oversight and Management to Address Key Challenges
GAO-09-436T March 5, 2009 (7 pages)

NASA: Assessments of Selected Large-Scale Projects GAO-09-306SP March 2, 2009 (78 pages)

NASA Workforce: Responses to Follow-up Questions regarding the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Use of Term Appointments GAO-09-356R February 25, 2009 (12 pages)

Property Management: NASA’s Goal of Increasing Equipment Reutilization May Fall Short without Further EffortsGAO-09-187 January 30, 2009 (43 pages)

Inspectors General: Actions Needed to Improve Audit Coverage of NASA GAO-09-88 December 18, 2008 (77 pages)

NASA: Agency Faces Challenges Defining Scope and Costs of Space Shuttle Transition and Retirement GAO-08-1096 September 30, 2008 (21 pages)

NASA Workforce: Briefing on National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Use of Term Appointments GAO-08-920R September 10, 2008 (32 pages)

Environmental Satellites: Polar-orbiting Satellite Acquisition Faces Delays; Decisions Needed on Whether and How to Ensure Climate Data Continuity GAO-08-899T June 19, 2008 (34 pages)

Environmental Satellites: Polar-orbiting Satellite Acquisition Faces Delays; Decisions Needed on Whether and How to Ensure Climate Data Continuity GAO-08-518 May 16, 2008 (53 pages)

NASA: Challenges in Completing and Sustaining the International Space Station GAO-08-581T April 24, 2008 (26 pages)

NASA: Ares I and Orion Project Risks and Key Indicators to Measure Progress GAO-08-186T April 3, 2008 (23 pages)


NOAA Acquisitions: Fully Aligning Procedures with Best Practices Could Improve the Reliability of Cost Estimates. GAO-23-105808. April 25, 2023.

Polar Satellites:  NOAA Faces Challenges and Uncertainties that Could Affect the Availability of Critical Weather Data.  Testimony of David Powner, Information Technology Management Issues before the Subcommittee on Environment, House Committee on Science, Space and Technology.  GAO-16-773T.  July 7, 2016.  20 pp.

Polar Weather Satellites: NOAA is Working to Ensure Continuity but Needs to Quickly Address Information Security Weaknesses and Future Program Uncertainties.  GAO-16-359.  May 17, 2016.  70 pp.

Bid Protest Decision: Ball Aerospace (re its challenge of  NASA’s Award of contract to Orbital ATK for NOAA’s JPSS-2, -3 and -4). July 16, 2015 (publicly released July 28, 2015). Memorandum. B-411359, B-411359.2   15 pp.

Environmental Satellites:  Improvements Needed in NOAA’s Mitigation Strategies as it Prepares for Potential Satellite Coverage Gaps.  Testimony by David Powner, director, information technology management issues, before the Subcommittee on Environment and Subcommittee on Oversight of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee.  GAO-15-386T.  February 12, 2015. 25 pp.

Geostationary Weather Satellites: Launch Date Nears, but Remaining Schedule Risks Need to Be Addressed.  GAO-15-60.  January 15, 2015. 59 pp.

Polar Weather Satellites: NOAA Needs to Prepare for Near-term Data Gaps.  GAO-15-47.  January 15, 2015 (reissued January 16, 2015).  63 pp.

Focused Attention Needed to Improve Mitigation Strategies for Satellite Coverage Gaps.  Testimony by David Powner, director, information technology management issues, before the Subcommittee on Energy and Subcommittee on Oversight of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee,  GAO-13-865T.  September 19, 2013.  (23 pages.)

Polar Weather Satellites: NOAA Identified Ways to Mitigate Data Gaps, but Contingency Plans and Schedules Require Futher Attention. GAO-13-676. September 11, 2013. (61 pages)

Geostationary Weather Satellites: Progress Made, but Weaknesses in Scheduling, Contingency Planning, and Commuicating with Users Need to be Addressed. GAO-13-597. September 9, 2013. (62 pages)

Environmental Satellites:  Focused Attention Needed to Mitigate Program Risks.  Testimony by David Powner, director, information technology management issues, before the Subcommittee on Energy and Environment and Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight, House Science, Space and Technology Committee. GAO-12-841T, June 27, 2012.  (22 pages)

Geostationary Weather Satellites: Design Progress Made, but Schedule Uncertainty Needs to be AddressedGAO-12-576, June 26, 2012. (54 pages)

Polar-orbiting Environmental Satellites:  Changing Requirements, Technical Issues, and Looming Data Gaps Require Focused Attention.  GAO-12-604, June 27, 2012. (43 pages)

Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites: Improvements Needed in Continuity Planning and Involvement of Key Users. GAO-10-799, September 2010. (44 pages)

Polar-Orbiting Environmental Satellites: With Costs Increasing and Data Continuity at Risk, Improvements Needed in Tri-agency Decision Making.  GAO-09-564, June 17, 2009. (52 pages)

Polar-Orbiting Satellites: With Costs Increasing and Data Continuity at Risk, Improvements Needed in Tri-agency Decision Making.  Testimony by David A. Powner, director, information technology management issues before the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight, House Committee on Science and Technology.  GAO-09-772T, June 17, 2009. (10 pages)

Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites: Acquisition Is Under Way, but Improvements Needed in Management and Oversight. GAO-09-323, April 2, 2009.

Polar-Orbiting Environmental Satellites: With Costs Increasing and Data Continuity at Risk, Improvements Needed in Tri-agency Decision Making. GAO-09-564, June 17, 2009. (52 pages)

Polar-Orbiting Satellites: With Costs Increasing and Data Continuity at Risk, Improvements Needed in Tri-agency Decision Making, TestImony by David A. Powner, director, information technology management issues before the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight, House Committee on Science and Technology. GAO-09-772T, June 17, 2009. (10 pages)

Environmental Satellites: Polar-orbiting Satellite Acquisition Faces Delays; Decisions Needed on Whether and How to Ensure Climate Data Continuity GAO-08-899T June 19, 2008 (34 pages)

Environmental Satellites: Polar-orbiting Satellite Acquisition Faces Delays; Decisions Needed on Whether and How to Ensure Climate Data Continuity.  GAO-08-518 May 16, 2008 (53 pages)



Commercial Space Transportation: How FAA Considers Environmental and Airspace Effects. GAO-24-106193. April 24, 2024.

Commercial Space Transportation: FAA’s Oversight of Human Spaceflight. GAO-24-106184. February 21, 2024. (36 pages)

Satellite Licensing: FCC Should Reexamine Its Environmental Review Process for Large Constellations of Satellites. GAO-23-105005. November 2, 2022. (38 pages)

Commercial Space Transportation: FAA Should Examine a Range of Options to Support U.S. Launch Infrastructure. GAO-21-154. December 22, 2020. (45 pages)

Commercial Space Transportation: Improvements to FAA’s Workforce Planning Needed to Prepare for the Industry’s Anticipated Growth.  GAO-19-437.  May 23, 2019. (60 pages)

Federal Aviation Administration: Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Potentially Moving the Office of Commercial Space Transportation.  GAO-18-96.  October 5, 2017, (24 pages)

Commercial Space:  FAA Should Examine How to Appropriately Regulate Space Shuttle Vehicles.  GAO-17-100.  November 25, 2016. (32 pages)

Commercial Space Launch Insurance: Views Differ on Need for Change to Insurance Approach but Clarification Needed.  GAO-17-88.  November 22, 2016. (50 pages)

Commercial Space: Industry Developments and FAA Challenges.  Statement by Gerald Dillingham, Director, Physical Infrastructure Issues, before the Subcommittee on Aviation, House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. GAO-16-765T. June 22, 2016.  (20 pages)

Federal Aviation Administration: Commercial Space Launch Industry Developments Present Multiple Challenges.  GAO-15-706.  Published August 25, 2015; released September 21, 2015.  (56 pages)

Commercial Space Launches:  FAA Should Update How it Assesses Federal Liability Risk.  GAO-12-899.  July 30, 2012. (35 pages)

Commercial Space Launch Act: Preliminary Information on Issues to Consider for Reauthorization.  Statement by Alicia Puente Cackley, director, financial markets and community investment, before the subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, House Committee on Science, Space and Technology.  GAO-12-767T.  June 6, 2012.

Office of Science and Technology Policy — Bilateral Activities with China. Letter to the Honorable Frank Wolf, Chairman, Subcommittee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives. B-321982. October 11, 2011.

Commercial Space Transportation: Industry Trends and Key Issues Affecting Federal Oversight and International Competitiveness. Statement by Gerald L. Dillingham, director, physical infrastructure issues, before the subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, House Committee on Science, Space and Technology. GAO-11-629T. May 5, 2011.

Export Controls: Agency Actions and Proposed Reform Initiatives May Address Previously Identified Weaknesses, but Challenges Remain. GAO-11-135R, November 16, 2010. (25 pages)

Export Controls: Observations on Selected Countries’Systems and Proposed Treaties. GAO-10-557, May 2010. (44 pages)

Environmental Satellites: Strategy Needed to Sustain Critical Climate and Space Weather Measurements. GAO-10-456, April 27, 2010. (51 pages)

Commercial Space Transportation: Development of the Commercial Space Launch Industry Presents Safety Oversight Challenges for FAA and Raises Issues Affecting Federal Roles. Statement of Gerald L. Dillingham, director, Physical Infrastructure Issues before the Subcommittee on Aviation, House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. GAO-10-286T, December 2, 2009.