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House SS&T Hrg on Private Sector Lunar Exploration, Sept 7, 2017, 2318 Rayburn, 10:00 am ET
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The Space Subcommittee of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee will hold a hearing on September 7, 2017 at 10:00 am ET in 2318 Rayburn House Office Building on “Private Sector Lunar Exploration.” Times, dates, and witnesses for congressional hearings are subject to change; check the committee’s website for up to date information. This committee webcasts its hearings on its website and YouTube channel. Scheduled witnesses are:
- Mr. Jason Crusan, director, Advanced Exploration Systems, NASA
- Mr. Bob Richards, founder and CEO, Moon Express, Inc.
- Mr. John Thornton, chief executive officer, Astrobotic Technology, Inc.
- Mr. Bretton Alexander, director of business development and strategy, Blue Origin
- Dr. George Sowers, professor, space resources, Colorado School of Mines