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INTL SPACE SECURITY WEBINAR: BLDG A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (Brazilian AF Univ), Aug 6, 2024, virtual, 7:00-10:30 am ET
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Update: The agenda is as follows.
Times are in GMT (subtract 4 for EDT).
11:25 am: Dr. Peter Hays – Space Security as a Matter of National Security and International Relations
11:45 am: Dr. John J. Klein – Space Warfare: Principles and Strategies
12:05 pm: Dr. Michele Melo – The Brazilian Defense Industrial Base in New Space
12:25 pm: 1st Debate, Q&A, with first 3 lecturers, moderated by Bruno Martini
12:55-01:05 pm: Break
1:05 pm: Dr. Carlos Eduardo Valle Rosa – Outer Space from the Perspective of Cooperation, Development, and Peace
1:25 pm: Ms. Victoria Samson – Counterspace capabilities and how to mitigate them
1:45 pm: 2nd Debate, Q&A, with previous 2 lecturers, moderated by Bruno Martini
2:30 – Closing Event by UNIFA
Original Entry: Brazil’s Air Force University, UNIFA, will hold a webinar on August 6, 2024 from 8:00-11:30 am local time in Brazil (7:00-10:30 am Eastern Daylight Time) on “International Space Security: Building a Sustainable Future.”
The webinar will be on UNIFA’s YouTube channel. The event will be in English with Portugese subtitles.
Speakers include:
- Col. Carlos Eduardo Valle Rosa,Força Aérea Brasileira – FAB
- John J. Klein, George Washington University Space Policy Institute (SPI)
- Michele Melo, Brazilian Space Agency (AEB/MCTI) acting at the AGU – Advocacia-Geral da União
- Victoria Samson, Chief Director, Space Security and Stability, Secure World Foundation
- Peter Hays, George Washington University Space Policy Institute (SPI)
More information is on the event’s website, first in Portugese and then in English (scroll down).