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The SSPI Mid-Atlantic chapter’s Winter Fundraiser and Auction to raise funds for its scholarship program will take place on January 23, 2020 at the Airbus Experience Center, 1101 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, 8th Floor, Washington, DC. It begins at 6:00 pm ET.
Details are on the event’s website, which describes it this way:
This is a great opportunity to connect with industry colleagues, enjoy the food and beverages, and partake in an exciting experience with silent auctions, amazing raffle prizes, virtual reality, flight simulation, and more!!!
Please consider donating a raffle or auction item for the event and we hope to see you and your colleagues at the event (register in advance). Previously donated items that generated the most excitement included sporting event tickets (baseball, hockey, etc.), retail and restaurant gift cards, and electronics – we welcome any donation that would be of interest to our guests. Cash donations are also welcome and appreciated. As we near the end of 2019, you can decide whether to use your current year or next year corporate giving account funds!
- When: January 23rd, 6pm
- Who: SSPI Mid-Atlantic Chapter, hosted by Airbus
- Where: Airbus Experience Center: 1101 Pennsylvania Ave NW, 8th Floor, Washington, DC 20004
- Why: Network & Raise funds for our scholarship program
- What: drinks, food, Online auction & Raffle
- How: Your donations and Attendance will make it a success.
- Member must be logged in to receive discounts
- Ticket prices are higher at the door
- Major Benefactors: Inmarsat Government, SES Government, SES Networks / O3B, SIMBACOM, Airbus, Public Safety Network, Total Wine, Astroscale, Hogan Lovells, Virgin Orbit, SIA, Coopers Hawk
- Online auction Registration pending
The Winter event is our largest fund-raising opportunity of the year and only made possible with donations from satellite & space industry companies. The highlight of the event is the raffle and silent auction which give our attendees a chance to bid on and win some fantastic items. Donating companies are recognized on all printed material, the SSPI website and of course at the event itself.
SSPI Mid Atlantic Chapter is also a 501(c)3 non-profit organization so donations can be tax deductible.
Contact Britt Lewis to donate an item, sponsor, or get information.