New National Space Policy Ready "Soon" Says Donley
Recent rumors were that the President’s new national space policy would be released in June, but Air Force Secretary Michael Donley used wording yesterday that indicates it is not that imminent. In response to a question at a National Defense University Foundation breakfast yesterday about when it would be released, he answered in rapid succession “this summer,” “soon,” and “in the next couple of weeks.”
As to what the major differences will be compared with the 2006 Bush Administration policy, Secretary Donley said that the new document would “recognize the changes” in the space “domain” over the last 10-20 years. Using what has become familiar wording in the national security space community, he said that space has become “congested” and “in some cases, contested” and emphasized the need for better space situation awareness and collaboration with industry and allies. He added that the new policy will “reinforce our collective understanding” of the increased economic and strategic importance of space.
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