NRC Names Members of "Giant Planets" Panel for Planetary Science Decadal Survey

NRC Names Members of "Giant Planets" Panel for Planetary Science Decadal Survey

The National Research Council has named the members of the Giant Planets panel for the Planetary Science Decadal Survey. This completes the naming of members of the five panels. The other four panels are Inner Planets, Mars, Primitive Bodies, and Satellites. Lists of the members of those panels are available on the Planetary Science Decadal Survey website. The just-named members of the Giant Planets panel are:

Heidi Hammel, Planetary Science Institute, Chair

Amy Simon-Miller, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Vice Chair

Reta Beebe, New Mexico State University

John Casani, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

John Clark, Boston University

Brigette Hesman, National Radio Astronomy Observatory

William Hubbard, University of Arizona

Mark Marley, NASA Ames Research Center

Phil Nicholson, Cornell University

Wayne Richie, NASA Langley Research Center, retired

Kunio Sayanagi, California Institute of Technology

For more information on the Planetary Science Decadal Survey, including the members of the Steering Committee, meeting dates, instructions on submitting white papers, and letters to the community from Steering Committee chair Steve Squyres, visit the survey’s main website.

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