NRC Planetary Science Decadal Survey: Presentations to the Satellites Panel August 2009
The following presentations were made to the first meeting of the Satellites panel of the National Research Council’s Planetary Science Decadal Survey. The meeting was held on August 24-26, 2009 in Washington, D.C. Titles of the presentations are from the agenda for the meeting. Some of these were joint sessions with other Decadal Survey panels. Adobe 8.0 or higher is needed to open most of these files. Some are quite large and may take a few moments to load; please be patient.
- Lessons Learned from the 2003 Decadal Survey, Alfred McEwen, University of Arizona
- Decadal Survey Overview, Steve Squyres, Cornell
- Charge to the Decadal Survey, James Green et al, NASA
- NSF’s Support for the Planetary Sciences, Nigel Sharp, NSF
- OPAG’s Goals and Priorities, William McKinnon, Washington University
- How the Jupiter-Europa Orbiter Addresses Satellite Science, Robert Pappalardo, JPL
- Io Volcanic Observer Mission, Alfred McEwen, University of Arizona
- How a Uranus Mission Concept Addresses Satellite Science, Mark Hofstadter, JPL
- Cassini Equinox/Solstice Missions and Satellite Science, Linda Spilker, JPL
- Titan-Saturn System Mission, Jonathan Lunine, University of Arizona
- Titan Mare Explorer Mission, Ellen Stofan, Proxemy Research
- TMC Review of Outer Planet Flagship Missions, Curt Niebur and Brad Perry, JPL and NASA/Langley
- How a Neptune Mission Concept Addresses Satellite Science, Candice Hansen, JPL
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