Senate Passes CJS Bill
The Senate passed the Commerce-Justice-Science appropriations bill on Thursday. The bill funds NASA, NOAA, and NSF among other agencies. A compromise now must be negotiated with the House. One major difference between the House and Senate is funding for NASA’s Constellation program to return humans to the Moon by 2020. The House held that program to its FY2009 funding level, a cut of more than $500 million from the FY2010 request, pending the results of the Augustine committee. The Senate fully funded the Constellation program. Although the Augustine committee has completed its report presenting options for the future of the U.S. human space flight program, the White House has not made a public statement about which of the options it will adopt, or if it will take yet a different route. Whether or not the lack of a clear decision from the White House will affect congressional negotiations remains to be seen.
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