Space Foundation Issues White Paper on "Space Applications for International Development"

Space Foundation Issues White Paper on "Space Applications for International Development"

At an event on Capitol Hill this week, the Space Foundation released a white paper on “Solutions from Space: Space Applications for International Development.” Citing communications satellites and remote sensing satellites in particular, the paper connects satellites with meeting the needs of developing countries.

“Space systems, particularly communications satellites and remote sensing satellites, have the potential to play a large role in these efforts. Communications satellites can connect remote areas, allowing the spread of information, whether for medical purposes, education, or disaster relief. Remote sensing satellites allow rapid collection of data about large areas of land – information that is essential to creating models for predicting and preventing famine or disease. Remote sensing can also be used to monitor conflicts or natural disasters and help identify where aid is needed most. Developed nations should work with developing nations to create these capabilities.”

The paper, written by Space Foundation research analyst Mariel John, offers a broad range of recommendations for governments, the private sector, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) on how to work together to use space as a solution to problems affecting developing countries.

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