Staff Changes at OMB

Staff Changes at OMB

As the FY2011 budget nears release, the staff at the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) who handle NASA’s budget are going through some changes. Paul Shawcross remains as Branch Chief for Science and Space, but most of the other staff positions involved with NASA are in flux.

Amy Kaminski, program examiner for NASA’s space and earth sciences programs, is headed over to NASA’s Science Mission Directorate on February 1 for a one-year detail.

Meanwhile, Brian Dewhurst of NASA’s Office of Program Analysis and Evaluation (PA&E) arrived at OMB on Monday for his own one-year detail. Brian’s portfolio includes earth science, education, and the Holocaust Museum. (The Science and Space Branch encompasses NASA, NSF, the Smithsonian and other federally-supported museums.)

NASA’s space science activities will be covered by Celinda Marsh, who is already at OMB. A new program examiner, Brooke Owens, currently with the FAA Office of Commercial Space Transportation, will start at OMB on Monday. Which agencies or parts of agencies she will handle is TBA.

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