UPDATE: Events of Interest: Week of February 1-5, 2010
UPDATE: This article is updated to reflect NASA’s changes in its budget roll-out. The 3:00 press briefing on Monday has been canceled; a 12:30 teleconference with the media has been substituted. The briefing at the Press Club on Tuesday at 10:00 will include Presidential Science Adviser Holdren.
The following events may be of interest in the coming week. For more details, see our calendar on the right menu or click on the links below. All meetings are in Washington, D.C. unless otherwise noted and all times are EST. Note that times, dates and witnesses for congressional hearings are subject to change; check with the relevant committee for more information.
Monday, February 1
The FY2011 President’s Budget Request to Congress will be officially released at 10:00 am. It should be available on the Office of Management and Budget’s website about that time.
- 12:30 pm: NASA Administrator Bolden will hold a teleconference with the media. NASA plans to post its budget request on its website (probably here).
- 1:00 pm: White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) press briefing on the budget request for federal research and development (R&D), auditorium of the AAAS building, 1200 New York Ave., NW. NASA Deputy Administrator Garver will participate.
- 1:00 pm: DOD press briefing on its FY2011 budget request at the Pentagon, Briefing Room 2E579
- 3:00 pm: NSF press briefing on its FY2011 budget request, NSF headquarters in Arlington, VA
Tuesday, February 2
- 10:00 am: Press conference at the National Press Club, Washington, DC. with Presidential Science Adviser John Holdren and NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden to “introduce new commercial space pioneers, launching a game-changing way of developing technology to send humans to space.”
Wednesday, February 3
- 10:00 am: House Science and Technology Committee Hearing on “Key Issues and Challenges Facing NASA: Views of the Agency’s Watchdogs,” 2318 Rayburn
- 10:00 am: House Appropriations Subcommittee Hearing on STEM Education (Part 1), H 309 Capitol
- 10:00 am: House Armed Services Committee Hearing on the FY2011 Budget Request for National Defense, 2118 Rayburn
- 11:00 am: Telecon meeting of the planetary science subcommittee of the Science Committee of the NASA Advisory Council to discuss the FY2011 budget request and get an update on the Mars Science Laboratory. (For call-in info, see our calendar)
Thursday, February 4
- 10:00 am: House Appropriations Subcommittee Hearing on STEM Education (Part 2), H 309 Capitol
- 10:00 am: House Armed Services Committee Hearing on DOD’s Quadrennial Defense Review, 2118 Rayburn
- 10:00 am: House Science and Technology subcommittee hearing on STEM Education, 2318 Rayburn
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