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BOEING OFT-2 STARLINER RETRY DOCKS AT ISS, May 20, 2022, Earth orbit, 7:10 pm ET
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Update, May 12, 2022: NASA now says docking is at approximately 7:10 pm ET on May 20, and NASA TV coverage will begin at 3:30 pm ET.
Hatch opening is not until May 21 at 11:45 am ET with NASA TV beginning at 11:30 am ET.
Update, May 11, 2022: The launch has been rescheduled for May 19, 2022 at 6:54 pm ET. If it takes place at that time, it will dock on May 20 at 6:57 pm ET.
The backup launch day is May 20 at 6:32 pm ET, with docking on May 21 at 6:21 pm ET.
All the entries below are from 2021.
Update, August 13, 2021: The launch has been postponed indefinitely.
Update, August 3,10:35 am ET: Today’s launch was postponed. New dates for launch and docking have not been announced.
Update, July 31: NASA confirms the new launch date/time is August 3 at 1:20 pm ET. If that takes place as planned, OFT-2 will dock at the ISS on August 4 at 1:37 pm ET. NASA TV coverage of rendezvous and docking begins at 10:30 am ET.
Update, July 29: The OFT-2 launch has been postpoed to August 3 because of problems today docking Russia’s Nauka science module to the ISS. The current plan is to launch OFT-2 on August 3, with docking on August 4, but that is tentative.
Original Entry: If launch goes as planned on July 30, Boeing’s Starliner commercial crew spacecraft will dock at the International Space Station on July 31, 2021 about 3:06 pm ET on its Orbital Flight Test-2 (OFT-2) uncrewed mission. Hatch opening is not scheduled until the next day.