NASA’s FY2011 Budget Request in the 111th Congress (Historical): A Fact Sheet

NASA’s FY2011 Budget Request in the 111th Congress (Historical): A Fact Sheet

NASA’s FY2011 Budget Request and FY2012-2013 Projections in the 111th Congress (Historical) is a HISTORICAL fact sheet that tracked President Obama’s fiscal year 2011 budget request for NASA as it worked its way through the 111th Congress. It provides tabular data comparing the FY2011 budget request and its projections for FY2012 and FY2013 with the 2010 NASA Authorization Act (P.L. 111-267). It also has HISTORICAL information on FY2011 appropriations action in the 111th Congress. For current information on the FY2011 appropriations see our more recent fact sheet NASA’s FY2011 Appropriations: The Debate Continues in the 112th Congress. We also have a separate fact sheet on NASA’s FY2012 request.