HASC Hearing on Assuring Assured Access to Space, March 2015

HASC Hearing on Assuring Assured Access to Space, March 2015

ON March 17, 2015, the Strategic Forces subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) held a hearing on “Assuring Assured Access to Space” that debates issues about how to end U.S. reliance on Russia’s RD-180 engines, used for the United Launch Alliance’s (ULA’s) Atlas V rocket and how to create competition in the marketplace for launches of U.S. national security satellites.   SpacePolicyOnline.com published a summary of the hearing on March 18, 2015.  Witnesses were:

  • SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell
  • ULA President Tory Bruno
  • DOD  assistant secretary for acquisition Katharina McFarland
  • Air Force assistant secretary for acquisition William LaPlante
  • Commander of Air Force Space Command Gen. John Hyten
  • Maj. Gen. Howard “Mitch” Mitchell (Ret.), Aerospace Corporation